Pastor Mark's Blog
Weekly comments from Pastor Mark,

- sometimes giving us a headstart on the upcoming sermon
- sometimes just provoking thought
- Look for the occasional “Easter Egg” when he sees something special that should be shared.
Comments are always welcome
The Kingdom Paradox: Why Holding On Too Tightly Makes You Lose Everything
god’s word will not return empty
Who’s To Say?
What If Your Faith Could Redefine 2025?
Christianity and the World’s Religions
Transformation from the Birth of a Baby to a New Creation
Jesus Was The Plan All Along
Loving Your Neighbor: The Gospel Made Visible
Loving God With All Your Heart, Mind, and Soul—Leaving the Comfort Zone Behind
When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder…
Essentials of Faith: Belief in Jesus as Lord and Savior
Loving Out Loud
Follow the Call: A Life Beyond Comfort – Things Jesus Never Said
Things Jesus Never Said: “Just Show Up on Sunday, and You’re Good”
God Doesn’t Play Whack-a-Mole: Understanding God’s Grace in Uncertain Times
Lazarus and the Hope of Resurrection
From Conflict to Connection: Bridging the Divides That Keep Us Apart
Bookends and Parties
Daily Bread: Turning Routine into Reverence
Knowledge without Action: Reclaiming Our Call to Make Disciples
More Civility, Anyone? Join Our Book Study on “Restoring Civility”
Rediscovering Respect: An Invitation to Our Book Study on “Restoring Civility”
Trusting Jesus in the Storm
So You’re Going on a Short Term Mission Trip?
Starting Over, Again.
Confessing the Doctrine of the Trinity: What We Can and Cannot Say
So, Pentecost is Coming…Who Cares?
I had a Revelation…?
Seeds Of Generosity; a wrap up.
Cultivating a Heart for Giving: Exploring Stewardship in Our Lives
All Of It
Embracing Conversations on Generosity: An Invitation to “Seeds of Generosity”
Seeds of Generosity
Reflections for the Reluctant Missionary
Stepping Into the Promise: Living the Call of Christ Everyday
Looking Ahead to Sunday
Embracing Lent
A Daily Spark
Ancient Wisdom//Modern Prayer
Impacting Loved Ones
Way? What way?
Wonderful Counselor
I Can’t, But I Know A Guy
Your Crooked Little Heart
Paving The Way For God
Luke in December
Hope in the Word?
Gratitude, Anyone?
But What If I Really Am Better than You?
What’s In Your Prayerbook?
An Invitation
Let’s Be a Burden Already!
Life to Life Discipleship Fall 2023
Can You See It Happening Yet?
Be Curious About Your Heart
Taking The Land
2023 Lutheran Week in Oklahoma City, OK
Poured Out For You
Facilities, Well, Facilitate
Grandpa Got Run Over By a Reindeer
Jesus wants to hear from us?
Sound Theology
Why a Lutheran?
The Untapped Mission Field
Fully Paid
Who Can Listen To This?
So, What Brought You Here?
What Fruit Is Your Life Bearing?
Word of God
So It’s Easter, Now What?
Easter is Coming…
But it’s Holy Week Batman!
A Lenten Devotion
So, it’s a Friday in Lent…
Facility Milestone!
Works of Love
Who, Me?
So What Will You DO this Lent?
Works of Love
Was Jesus Really A Good Teacher???
Was Jesus Really A Good Teacher? As we learn how to turn our gaze outward to the mission field of North America, specifically the greater St. Louis area, we will start to encounter people who have different views of our faith and toward the Lord of that faith, Jesus Christ. Many people far from Jesus’ Church will when asked, admit that they do in fact have a clear opinion…